عروضي الخاصة
من 8 تاك/دقيقة
أمور أفعلها في العروض الخاصة
بلع حتى الرغبة في القيء, تدليك, كعوب عالية, يوغا, انثناء, عرض زيت, فتيشية القدم, رقص مثير, رقص التويرك, تقييم الزبر, تحت التنورة, Контроль над игрушкой, Подчинение, Стоны, Слюни на грудь, مداعبة يدوية, دش, أهيجاو, خف الجمل, تعليمات أكل المني, تعليمات الاستمناء, قذف على الوجه, العادة السرية, نشوة, وضعية الكلب, صدر عارٍ, Контроль игрушки, قذف, صفع, إهانة, إهانة القضيب الصغير, رقص التعري, نطر كساس, جلوس على الوجه, ألعاب جنسية, تقبيل, راعية بقر
آراء المستخدمين
لا تُوجد تعليقات حتى الآن. كن الأول - أبدأ خاص!
Some facts about me
• Ice cream is myfav sweet
• I really like Kittens
• I wish i could have a big dog
• Want to visit USA
• I like shopping
• I have a secret i can tell you in PM
The fountains mingle with the river,
And the rivers with the ocean;
The winds of heaven mix forever
With a sweet emotion;
Nothing in the world is single;
All things by a law divine
In one another's being mingle—
Why not I with thine?
My Scedule
7PM - 5AM Monday
7PM - 5AM Tuesday
7PM - 5AM Wednesday
7PM - 5AM Thursday
7PM - 5AM Friday
7PM - 5AM Saturday
7PM - 5AM Sunday
A lttle about me
Hello! My name is Mira, I am a student from Greece! I am glad to welcome you and invite you to get to know me a little better! First of all, I am a very cheerful and cheerful girl! I love to spend my free time on beaches, beaches and museums! I also do not miss the opportunity to photograph myself, since photography is my passion. I photograph everything I see. I also really love to travel, there are a lot of countries that I would like to visit, but I would especially like to visit the USA. I think now it's your turn to write to me and tell me a little about yourself. I may seem or shy but give me time and you will see my other side, bright and colorful! I'm sure you and I won't be bored